Friday, December 29, 2017

Taxi Rules Page 1

  • Acording to the Rules of the TLC, which of the following statements is true: 
    • A taxi driver may use the space in front of a fire hydrant, in a street whiere parking is not prohibited as a taxi stand
  • In which of the following situations may a driver sound the horn:
    • To warn an animal or a pedestratian in case of danger 
  • A driver may charge a flat rate fare on a trip:
    • All of the above
  • A probationary licence is: 
    • The license a taxi driver holds for the first year. 
  • If you run out of meter paper you must:
    • Go "off duty" and get paper from the nearest place
  • If directed by the TLC, a taxi driver must submit to a drug test:
    • At the drivers expense, at any laboratory designated by the TLC
  • Where can you see the passengers bill of rights displayed?
    • IN the partition of the taxi
  • According to the commission rules, A driver WIll  have his/her license suspended for thirty days under which circumastance:
    • The driver accumulates six or more tlc points in a fifteen month period
  • According to the TLC, a driver is required to:
    • Refuse a passenger who wants to travel from Newwark airport to Manhattan 
  • If you are traveling on the van wyck expway and the passenger you are driving refuses to stop smoking in the taxi, you must:
    • Take the next exit and discharge the passenger at a safe location.

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