Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rule 2

  1. How Long can a cab dirver idle his engine in front of a school?
    • 1 minute
  2. Which of the following Statements is correct?
    • All of the above 
  3. If you take a passenger to Nassau County, how much should you charge, if the meter reads $8.50 at the city line and $15.25 at the destination? do not include tolls in your calcuation
    • $22.00
  4. According to the TLC, which of the following statements is correct?
    • Taxi driver may pickup passenger only if he/she made entry Returning to garage (or home and the passengers destination is drictly en route threthere to )
  5. If you chauffeurs license is being suspended or revoked. yuoou must
    • Surrender your hack license to the TLC
  6. When approching bicyclist a taxi drivr should 
    • Slow down and give them enough room 
  7. When a taxi cab driver turns the windshield wipers on, he should also?
    • Turn on the head lights on low beam
  8. A driver may threaten and harass his passenger, if
    • None of the above 
  9. A taxi driver cant refuse a fare if
    • The passenger wants to go to brooklyn, during rush hours
  10. If your rear wheels start to skid left, you should
    • Steer left
  11. If a taxicab dirvers drug test comes back positive
    • The drivers license may be revoked after a hearing 
  12. When is a taxi driver llowed to make a U-turn in NYC?
    • U-turn are illegal in business districts of the New York City and where there are no NO-Uturn sign
  13. Which of the following statments ids correct?
    • 30 minute before sunset 30 minite after sunrise,A and 
  14. Under which of the following traffic sings is a Tai cab driver not allowed to pic up a passenger 
    • No Stopping anytime
  15. If you park your car up on the hill and there is a curb, you must tturn the steering wheel
    • Opposite the curb
  16. If a taxi driver fails to attend a refresher course as mandated by the tlc, the taxi drivers licese will be 
    • Suspended until compliance
  17. Which of the following statement is correct
    • Commissioner shall revoke the drivers taxi license who attempt or charge a fate or ten dollars or more above the approved rate.
  18. The rate card of a taxi display
    • Tha taxi cab license number
  19. Which of the following is true about the drug test?
  20. On a trip from staten island to elizabeth, new jersy, a taxi driver  is allowed to 
    • All of the above
  21. Accroding to the TLC rues, a taxi driver is allowed to refuse a fare when
    • another passenger is already seated in the taxicab
  22. Which of the following is not a hazardous moving violation
    • Refusing 
  23. If you are involved in an accident, while driving your taxi, you should give the other dirver 
    • All of the above
  24. What should you do if you hear a siren nearby but cant see where the emergency vehicle is coming from?
    • You must pull over and stop for the emergency vehicle
  25. WHich of the following is the best ourse of action to tke, if your gas pedal gets stuck?
    • Hook your toe under the pedal and see if you can free itj.
  26. According to the TLC, which of the following statments is not correct?
    • A driver is allowed to charge a return tooll on a trip to La guardia Airport using triborough bridge
  27. Which of the following items must be present in the taxi at all times
    • Receipts for the passenger
  28. When at an intersection, which of the following shouldyou obey?
    • A police officer
  29. The first two taxicab drivers at an active taxi stand are
    • shall remain in the drivers seat ready to accept passenger
  30. After sunset, a taxicab driver must 
    • Make sure the face of the taximeter is illuminated
  31. If ataxicab dirver is going off duty, she/he is allowed to par his/her taxicab at a relief stand
    • For one hour only
  32. According to the TLC rules, taxicab driber is not allowed to
    • Crash or back into a front position on a taxi stand
  33. A medallion taxicab driver may refuse a passenger if the passenger requests to go to 
    • Fire Island
  34. Accroding to the TLC, which of the following statemnts is correct
    • A taxicab driver may never refuse a passenger unless she/he has justifiable grounds to do so
  35. Within 30days of the anniversary of your new york city taxicab drivers license, a driver must 
    • Take a drug test
  36. In which situation may a driver pass a school bus with red fashing lights?
    • None of the above
  37. Blind spot refers to
    • Things you cant see in the mirrors
  38. In case of an accident, a taxicab driver should
    • Report to the taxicab owner immediately
  39. If a taxicab driver gets involved in an accident, the driver should
    • Provide the another driver taxicab rate card. Provide his/her driver license to another parties. both a and c
  40. A taxicab driver may refuse a passenger who wants to go to 
    • Hoboken
  41. If six adult passengers hail a taxicab at union Square and request to go to brooklyn, the driver shall
    • suggest that they take two taxis insteas of one
  42. When driving passengers to their destination, it is acceptable for the driver to 
    • converse with passengers if they begin a conversation
  43. If an individual in a wheelchair asks you to let him/her sit in the front and load the wheelchair in the trunk, you should
    • Load the wheelchair and let him8/her sit in the front
  44. How much would your charge a passenger for a trip to westchester county if hthe meter was $16.75 at the city, and $24 at the destination and you pay tolls $4 after you cross the city limit line
    • $39.25
  45. Which of the following is permitted
    • A driver may lock the front doors
  46. During the probationary period, a taxicab driver will have his/her license revoked if she/he 
    • Convicted of three or more moving violations
  47. A person with a dog sits in your cab, how many passengers in the car?
    • One
  48. According to the TLC program for persistent Violatins, which of the follwing statement is correct?
    • Any driver who has accumulate six or more points against his taxicab drivers license within a 15-month period, and whos license has not been revoed, shall have his suspended for thirty days
  49. If the taxi meter in a taxicab breaks during your work shift, you must 
    • Go off duty and take the meter to a TLC licnsed taxi meter repair shop.
  50. A driver must charge a flat rate
    • both b and c
  51. On a trip from kennedy airport to manhattan, if a passenger requests additionsl stops in manhattan, the taxicab driver is allowed it
    • Charge 50 dollars at the first stop
    • turn the meter on after the first stop
    • collect the amount on the meter from the last passenger at the final destination
    • all of the abobe
  52. A new york city taxicab driver may operate a taxi only if:
    • The meter is equped with paper for printing receipts
    • The roof lights is lit when the meter is not in use
    • both a and b
  53. How much would you charge a passenger going to Newark Airpirt in New jersy
    • The meter rate, plus $17.50 plus all necessary tolls
  54. The $0,50 surcharge applies to
    • Trips made from 8pm to 6am
  55. If convicted of a crime, a taxicab driver must
    • Inform the TLC within 15days
  56. If a passenger requests a charge in destination, the taxicab driver must
    • Change the destination and charge the amount on the meter at the new Destination
  57. Which of the following is  not correct
    • You are allowed to pick up in the crosswalk lane if the passenger is standing at the intersection
  58. WHich of the following is not moving violagtion
    • Double parking (Excpet if its cited as obstrucitng traffic)
  59. If you ae being tailgated, you should 
    • Reduce speed and let the other driver go around you
  60. A driver is allowed to discharge a passenger
    • No more thean a foot from the curb, and parallel to the curb
  61. If you are approaching an intersection on a two-way street and making left turn, who has the right of way
    • Traffic traveling in the opposite direction and going straight
    • Traffic travelling in the pposite direction and trunging right 
    • both a and b
  62. Which of the following reduces the risk of hydroplaning
    • Having good tires (Well-Threaded) and driving slowly
  63. When does hydroplaning most often occur
    • When is it raining
  64. What is th espeed limit in new york city if no sing is posted
    • 30mph
  65. In new york city double soilid line painted on the road means
    • None of the above
  66. WHich of the following is service animal
    • A cat trained to alert a person with a hearing impairment about intruders 
  67. If a taxicab driver finds property left by passenger in the cab, he/she must take it without delay
    • To the owner of the property
    • Take it to the nearest designated police precnct where passenger was discharged
    • both a and b
  68. A taxicab driver is allowed to carry a weapon in the taxicab
    • With written permission of the chairpeorson
  69. If a passenger has difficulties opening the door, a taxicab driver should
    • get out of the taxicab and help the pasenger
  70. When is horn honking allowed?
    • In case of danger
  71. If you run out of meter receipt paper during your work shift, accroding to ght TLC rules
    • You should follow off-duty procedures and get more jmeter receipts paper
  72. If a taxicab driver changes his/her physical appearance, he/she should
    • Submit four new photographs to the tLC
  73. If you change your milling address, you should report to the TLC
    • Within 7days, exclusive of weekneds and holidays
  74. What do you have to do if your taxicab license becomes unreadable or unrecognizable?
    • Immediately surrender it to the TLC for a placement
  75. Within wihch period should a driver report to the TLC if his/her license was lost or stolen
    • 72 hours (exclusive of weekends and holidays)
  76. A taxicab driver may occupay the space in front of a fire hydrant as a taxi stand
    • if parking is not prohibited 
  77. When a taxicab driver is receiving workmens compensation benefits becuse of a work related injury, he/she must
    • Submit hack license to the tlc and case driving 
  78. Who is permitted to operate a taxicab with an Unspecified driver Listed on the rate card?
    • Any driver with a valid hack license who has been authorized by the taxicab owner
  79. A medallion taxicab driver must take a defensive driving course
    • Every three years
  80. If any driver within the probationary period accumulates 4 points against his/her tlc license his/she probationary license will be 
    • Suspended for six month
    • revoked
    • extended for one more year
    • none of the above
  81. The probationary period of a NYC taxicab Driver is
    • One year
    • Twelve month
    • both a and b
  82. If public servant aks a taxicab driver for a gift in the return for a favaor, the taxi driver must 
    • report it to the inspector general of the commission IGC or NYC depearment of Investagation DOI
  83. A taxi driver must complete a remedial course and iwll get one point on his/her TLC record if convicted of
    • Three violations in fifteen months
  84. Which agency controls the taxicab industry
    • The new York city taxi limousine commission TLC
    • The new York city polic department NYPD
    • The port of Authority of new york and new Jersy police department PAPD
    • All of the aobve


1 comment:

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