Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rules 1

  • Acording to the Rules of the TLC, which of the following statements is true: 
    • A taxi driver may use the space in front of a fire hydrant, in a street whiere parking is not prohibited as a taxi stand
  • In which of the following situations may a driver sound the horn:
    • To warn an animal or a pedestratian in case of danger 
  • A driver may charge a flat rate fare on a trip:
    • All of the above
  • A probationary licence is: 
    • The license a taxi driver holds for the first year. 
  • If you run out of meter paper you must:
    • Go "off duty" and get paper from the nearest place
  • If directed by the TLC, a taxi driver must submit to a drug test:
    • At the drivers expense, at any laboratory designated by the TLC
  • Where can you see the passengers bill of rights displayed?
    • IN the partition of the taxi
  • According to the commission rules, A driver WIll  have his/her license suspended for thirty days under which circumastance:
    • The driver accumulates six or more tlc points in a fifteen month period
  • According to the TLC, a driver is required to:
    • Refuse a passenger who wants to travel from Newwark airport to Manhattan 
  • If you are traveling on the van wyck expway and the passenger you are driving refuses to stop smoking in the taxi, you must:
    • Take the next exit and discharge the passenger at a safe location.
  • What should you do if you chauffeurs license is suspended?
    • Surrender the taxicab license to the TLC.
  • When the roof light of a taxi is lit, it means that:
    • The taximeter is off (unlit
  • There relief time sign displayed int he taxis windshield means:
    • the Driver is "off duty"
  • If apassenger traveling from kenedy airport to manhattan changees his destination to brooklyn you should:
    • Mutually agreed fare
  • How would you charge a passenger from JFK airport to Manhattan
    • $45 flat rate
  • A driver may occupy(Stand in line) an active taxi stand 
    • When he is looking for passengers 
  • A driver may ask the destination of a passenger: 
    • After the passenger is seated in the Taxi
  • How wuld you charge a passenger who is going to elizabeth, New Jersy:
    • Flat rate
  • Which of the following is not correct:
    • When you pic up a passenger, the cab should be 12 incehes from the curb
    • When you pic up a passenger, the cab should be parallel to the curb
    • If a passengers hails a cab next to a car that is already parked, you should look for a space within 100feet
      • You are allowed to pickup on the crosswalk line if the passenger is standing in the intersection
  • Which of the following is correct according to the New york state trafic rules and regulation:
    • When a school bus stops and flashes red lights trafic  approchaing from either direction must stop
    • You should stop at least 20 freet away from the bus
    • you may continue dirving once the bus red lights stop flashing
      • All of the above
  • A driver must turn the headlight on when:
    • The windshield wipers are on
  • IF apassenger asks you to take him to ennedy Airport and on the way to the destination he decides to go to brooklyn instead:
    • Change the destination and charge a mutually agreed fare. 
  • Accroding to the taxi & Limousine Commission, a driver is allowed to charge to Nassau County
    • Meter to the city line, and double the meter from the city line to the destination
  • IF you take a passenger to westchester, how much would you charge if the meter reads $7.50 at the city line and 14.25 at the destiation? do not include tolls in you
          • 14.25
          • 14.25
          • --------------
          • 28.50
        •       (-) 7.50
        • ------------------
        •          21.00
    •  $21.00
  • How much would you charge your passenger for a fare to Nassuu county if the meter was $14.75 at the city line and $21.00 at the destination?
    • $27.25
  • IF a passenger was going to Baldwin, in Nassau County, how would you charge without  tolls if the meter reads $12.75 at the city line and $26.60  at the destination:
    • $$40.25
  • Acccording to the TLC rules, which of the folloiwng is correct
    • You may never refuse a passenger unless you have justifiable grounds.
  • If a passenger asks you to stop at the deli on his way to work, which of the following responss would be appropriate?
    • Gladly, Sir, But please pay the amount on the meter
  • How many passengers are allowed to ride in a taxi?
    • Four, plus a child under seven years of age in the rear seat on the lap of an adult 
  • According to the TLC rules which of the following is correct
    • If the meter breaks during the ride, it will be my last until the meter is fixed. 
  • Accroding to the TLC rules, a Taxi driver is responsible for:
    • Complete a trip record
  • Accroding the TLC rules, a taxi driver is allowed to refuse a fare when 
    • When the destination is in nassau county and the driver is working for more then eight consecutive hours .
  • A taxi driver cannot refuse a fare when:
    • THe passenger wants to go to brooklyn during rush hours
  • IF a person in a wheelchair hails your taxi and asks to sit in the front and then asks you to put the wheelchair into the trunk, you should
    • Load the wheel chair and let him/her sit in the front
  • If the meter breaks while you have a passenger in the taxi, which of the following is correct according to the TLC:
    • Offer the passenger the option of continuing the trip at mutually agreed fare. 
  • If six young people (Teenagers) want to go from peter copper village to times square you should:
    • Suggest to them that they should take two Taxis instead 
  • If you are driving on a slippery road and the rear of your taxi begin to swerve to the right, you should:
    • Take your foot off the gas pedal and turn the steering wheel to the right.
  • If a passenger gets into you taxi smoking a $6 churchil cigar, which of the following applies:
    • Ask the passenger to extinguish the cigar .
  • For a fare to connecticut, which of the following applies:
    • Flat rate agreed upon in advance
  • Who pays the tools on a fare from fort green in brooklyn to long island city, queens, using the pluski bridge:
    • There is no tols, Non of the above 
  • A driver may threaten and harass his passenger if:
    • None of the above
  • Accroding to the TLC rules, a good reason to refuse passenger is:
    • The passenger is going to boston
  • If a driver spills coffee on his trip sheet while he is driving, he should
    • Dry the trip sheet and continue working. 
  • Accroding to the tlc rules a driver is allowed to:
    • Refuse a passenger to suffolk county, long island. 
  • If passenger who does not speak english gets in your cab, you should:
    • Get help from somebody who speaks the passengers language
  • Which of the following statements define the term "Prejudice"
    • All of the above
  • IF two lesbians were kissing in the back of a cab, the driver is allowed to 
    • Keep driving to their destination
  • Whenever your windshield wipers are turned on, What els are you required to do?
    • Turn on your headlights
  • How would you charge a passenger from JFK Airport to manhattan:
    • Flat rate $45 plus tolls
  • In manhattan which of the follwoing is a Thru Street (No truns from 3rd avenue to 6th aveneue Mon-Friday 10 am to 6PM
    • 53rd street
  • Within how many hours will you report the loss or theft of your hack license 
    • 72 Hours in writing (Exclusive of holidays & Weekned)
  • What will you do if you see a bicycle coming in the bicycle lane?
    • maintain proper distanance
  • A taxi driver may threatena Passenger if:
    • Non of the above 
  • When several passengers traveling from kenedy airport to manhattan requests additional stops in manhattan a taxi driver is allowed to 
    • All of the above. 
  • A service animal is 
    • All of the Above 
  • Accroding to the persistent violator program, if a taxi driver fails to attend a refresher course as required by the commission, his/her license will be 
    • Suspended until compliance with requirements .
  • If a taxi driver has his/her chauffeurs license suspended or revoed, he/she may:
    • None of the above
  • If you are being tailgated, you should
    • Slow down and let the other driver go around you
  • If five adults hail your taxi in Times Square, requesting you to go to Queens, You must?
    • Suggest them to take two taxis instead of one
  • A taxi driver may refuse a passenger only if
    • There are justifiable grounds
  • According to the TLC, a taxi driver is allowed to 
    • Both a and B
  • According to the TLC, a taxi driver may solicit passenger
    • At a bus stop, only if hailed
  • According to the TLC, a Taxi driver is allowed to 
    • Comply with a reasonable request of the passenger
  • A Taxi driver may refuse a passenger if
    • The passenger has an article that the driver considers may affect the efficient operation of the taxi,
  • If a passenger travels from manhattan to hicksville in nassau county,how much do you charge if the meter reads $27.30 at the city limits and $48.00 at the destination?
    • $68.70
  • When can a taxi driver use a cell phone?
    • When the driver is legally pared
  • A taxi driver may take a position on a tai stand if 
    • There is a vacancy
  • If a taxi driver spills coffee on his trip sheet, he should
    • Clean the trip sheet and continue to use it
  • Upon request of the passenger, a taxi driver must
    • Load or unload the passengers luggage from the interior of the taxi
    • Which of the following must be present in the taxi at all time 
      • Receipts for all passengers
    • A driver must submit four new photographs to the TLC when?
      • His/her physical appearance changes
    • An applicant for a new york city taxi drivers license must be:
      • A lawful resident in the united states
    • Hydroplaning is
      • A film of water between the road and the tire
    • According to the TLC, a a taxi driver may:
      • Naither a or Nor b
      • a Drive a taxi while intoxicated
      • b refuse a passenger who wants to go to brooklyn at 2am
    • When a taxi driver gets involved in a accident while performing is activities as a taxi driver, which of the following documents should be given to the other driver 
      • Both a and b A: Rate card. B: Chauffeurs License
    • Which of the following is a hazardous violation of the taxi driver rules
      • Changing lanes without signalling
    • A renewal applicant for hack license must take a defensive driver course 
      • Within three years, prior to the expiration of his*/her license
    • When the rear tires of a caar are skidding to the right you must:
      • Turn the steering wheel to the right
    • According to the TLC, which of the following statements is not true
      • A taxi driver must lock the rear doors to the taxi while on duty
    • A taxi driver who is authorized to drive a taxi pursuant to a lease from the taxi owner may sublease the taxi
      • He may not sublease it
    • According to the TLC, when your find yourself unable to give change for a $20 bill, you should
      • With the consent of the passenger to the nearest place where you may reasonably expect to obtain change
    • According to the TLC, a driver is permitted to
      • Both b and c B: Charge a flat rate fare on a trip from manhattan to kennedy airport C: Allow someone to operate the taxi in the event of an ememrgency, 
    • which of the following is not a hazardous violation of the taxi driver rules 
      • Refusing
    • (84) On a trip from brooklyn to yonkers (Westchester county, a destination the meter reads $49.80 and shows $34.90 at the city limits , how much should you charge
      • $64.70
    • When a public servant or a dispatcher asks a taxi driver for a gratuity in return fro a favor, the taxi driver must
      • Report the incident to the NYC department of Investigation
    • Which of the following is considered a hazardous violation of the rules:
      • All of the above
    • After sunset a taxi driver must
      • None of the above
    • If a passenger wants to travel from staten island  to elizabeth new jersy, wjich of the following is true
      • The driver may refuse to take the passenger to new jersy
      • the taxi driver must activate the taximeter within the limits of the city of new york
      • the driver may charge a flat rate
      • All of the above
    • According to the TLC, a taxi driver may refuse passenger if
      • The passenger refused to stop smoking
    • A driver must ask the destination of the passenger
      • When the passenger is seated in the taxi
    • At an intersection who has priority over the other two
      • A police officer
    • If a taxi driver finds property left by a passenger in the taxi he/she must:
      • Without delay take such property to the nearest police precinct
    • According to the persistent vioators program, the penalty for a driver who has committed three a more violation in a 15 months period and whos license has never been revoked
      • Mandatory refresher course and the driver will have one point on hi/her taxi license record
    • The $0.50 surcharge shall not be added to a trip when
      • The passenger is going from kennedy airport to manhattan
    • The tlc issues a probationary license for a period of 
      • One year
    • When driver, a blind spot is
      • What you cannot see through your rear view mirror
    • According to the TLC rules, a taxi driver is allowed to n
      • Drive a taxi for 12 consecutive hours.
    • A driver shall not operate a taxi uness
      • The taxi meter is equipped with paper for the printing of receipts
    • Which of the following statments made by a taxi driver is a violation of the rules 
      • I am not taking the tunnel as you want, there is too much traffic there, i will take the bridge,
    • According to the tlc, at the end of the probationary period the taxi drivers icense will not be renewed if
      • THe driver is convicted three or more moving violations. 
    • If a passenger wants to travel from Newark Airport to Brooklyn, the taxi driver may Not
      • Not pickup the passenger

      • When will you keep the head lights of your taxi on?
        • 30 munites after sunrise and 30 before sunsest
      • Which of the following is not required form a taxi driver?
        • Must have CB radio
      • Which of the following is not required from a taxi driver
        • Mush have change for $50
      • Which of the following destinations can a cab driver refuse?
        • Atlantic City
      • If a taxi driver is off duty going home to the bronx, passenger also wants to go to the bronx, can you take the passenger?
        • You can take the passenger
      • If a taxi driver leases a taxi for 12 hours and then falls sick he can
        • Have someone with a valid hack license take the cab back to the garage
      • If there is a fire truck behind you with the sirens on your should 
        • Pull over on the side and left the fire truck pass
      • If you are in midtown manhattan, and your shift ends in 45 minutes and you need to retun the car to a garage in queens, and you get a passenger going to state island you should 
        • Take the passenger to staten island
      • If your hack license becomes unreadable your should 
        • Surrender it to the tlc and get a replacement
      • Which of the following must be prsent in the back seat fro the passenger?
        • Seat belt
      • Which of the following is  requirement to obtain a new york city hack license
        • Must have the application stamped by a doctor
      • When can taxi driver carry a weapon
        • Can carry a weapon but only after a written permission from the chairperson
      • which of the following destinations can a cab driver refuse
        • Fire island
      • What is the penalty for driving at a speed of 45 mph within the city of new york?
        • $250 fine
      • Within how much time do you have to inform the commission of a onviction?
        • 15days
      • when is a cab driver allowed to smoke inside a taxxicab?
        • Never
      • At which of the following palces a cab driver can not pick up a passenger
        • No stoping
      • What will you do if there is an ambulance coming from the opposite direction?
        • Pull over on the right side 
      • What will you do if you are taking a passenger to kennedy Airport and the passenger forgot their plan ticket at home?
        • You will take them back to pick up their ticket +
      • When can you solicit for a passenger from the private street of Lincoln center
        • Never
      • Which of the following is a moving violation
        • Obstructing traffic
      • What will you do if a passenger refuses to pay the fare?
        • Proceed to the nearest police precinct
      • When can you drop a passenger in the bicycle lane?
        • Never
      • A bus the transports disabled passengers coming from the opposite side stops and turns on the red blinkers. What will you do?
        • Stop with at least 20 feet distance
      • When you are parallel parking your taxi on a hil, what will you do?
        • You will turn the wheel towards the curb and use hand break
      • When can a cab driver refuse a seeing ey dog?
        • under no circumstance
      • What will you do at a red flashing light?
        • Come to a complete stop, look and then proceed
      • Accroding to the tlc, a taxi driver must 
        • Make sure the medallion number is visible
      • HOw much will you charge each passenger from the group ride taxi stand on your avenue to the Finanial distric
        • $6 new rate
      • What will tyou do if you 

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