Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 11

  • Which of the following is a moving violation
    • Obstructing traffic
  • What will you do if a passenger refuses to pay the fare?
    • Proceed to the nearest police precinct
  • When can you drop a passenger in the bicycle lane?
    • Never
  • A bus the transports disabled passengers coming from the opposite side stops and turns on the red blinkers. What will you do?
    • Stop with at least 20 feet distance
  • When you are parallel parking your taxi on a hil, what will you do?
    • You will turn the wheel towards the curb and use hand break
  • When can a cab driver refuse a seeing ey dog?
    • under no circumstance
  • What will you do at a red flashing light?
    • Come to a complete stop, look and then proceed
  • Accroding to the tlc, a taxi driver must 
    • Make sure the medallion number is visible
  • HOw much will you charge each passenger from the group ride taxi stand on your avenue to the Finanial distric
    • $6 new rate
  • How Long can a cab dirver idle his engine in front of a school?
    • 1 minute
  • Which of the following Statements is correct?
    • All of the above 
  • If you take a passenger to Nassau County, how much should you charge, if the meter reads $8.50 at the city line and $15.25 at the destination? do not include tolls in your calcuation
    • $22.00
  • According to the TLC, which of the following statements is correct?
    • Taxi driver may pickup passenger only if he/she made entry Returning to garage (or home and the passengers destination is drictly en route threthere to )
  • If you chauffeurs license is being suspended or revoked. yuoou must
    • Surrender your hack license to the TLC
  • When approching bicyclist a taxi drivr should 
    • Slow down and give them enough room 
  • When a taxi cab driver turns the windshield wipers on, he should also?
    • Turn on the head lights on low beam
  • A driver may threaten and harass his passenger, if
    • None of the above 
  • A taxi driver cant refuse a fare if
    • The passenger wants to go to brooklyn, during rush hours
  • If your rear wheels start to skid left, you should
    • Steer left

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