Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 12

  • If a taxicab dirvers drug test comes back positive
    • The drivers license may be revoked after a hearing 
  • When is a taxi driver llowed to make a U-turn in NYC?
    • U-turn are illegal in business districts of the New York City and where there are no NO-Uturn sign
  • Which of the following statments ids correct?
    • 30 minute before sunset 30 minite after sunrise,A and 
  • Under which of the following traffic sings is a Tai cab driver not allowed to pic up a passenger 
    • No Stopping anytime
  • If you park your car up on the hill and there is a curb, you must tturn the steering wheel
    • Opposite the curb
  • If a taxi driver fails to attend a refresher course as mandated by the tlc, the taxi drivers licese will be 
    • Suspended until compliance
  • Which of the following statement is correct
    • Commissioner shall revoke the drivers taxi license who attempt or charge a fate or ten dollars or more above the approved rate.
  • The rate card of a taxi display
    • Tha taxi cab license number
  • Which of the following is true about the drug test?
  • On a trip from staten island to elizabeth, new jersy, a taxi driver  is allowed to 
    • All of the above
  • Accroding to the TLC rues, a taxi driver is allowed to refuse a fare when
    • another passenger is already seated in the taxicab
  • Which of the following is not a hazardous moving violation
    • Refusing 
  • If you are involved in an accident, while driving your taxi, you should give the other dirver 
    • All of the above
  • What should you do if you hear a siren nearby but cant see where the emergency vehicle is coming from?
    • You must pull over and stop for the emergency vehicle
  • WHich of the following is the best ourse of action to tke, if your gas pedal gets stuck?
    • Hook your toe under the pedal and see if you can free itj.
  • According to the TLC, which of the following statments is not correct?
    • A driver is allowed to charge a return tooll on a trip to La guardia Airport using triborough bridge
  • Which of the following items must be present in the taxi at all times
    • Receipts for the passenger
  • When at an intersection, which of the following shouldyou obey?
    • A police officer

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