Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 14

  • A person with a dog sits in your cab, how many passengers in the car?
    • One
  • According to the TLC program for persistent Violatins, which of the follwing statement is correct?
    • Any driver who has accumulate six or more points against his taxicab drivers license within a 15-month period, and whos license has not been revoed, shall have his suspended for thirty days
  • If the taxi meter in a taxicab breaks during your work shift, you must 
    • Go off duty and take the meter to a TLC licnsed taxi meter repair shop.
  • A driver must charge a flat rate
    • both b and c
  • On a trip from kennedy airport to manhattan, if a passenger requests additionsl stops in manhattan, the taxicab driver is allowed it
    • Charge 50 dollars at the first stop
    • turn the meter on after the first stop
    • collect the amount on the meter from the last passenger at the final destination
    • all of the abobe
  • A new york city taxicab driver may operate a taxi only if:
    • The meter is equped with paper for printing receipts
    • The roof lights is lit when the meter is not in use
    • both a and b
  • How much would you charge a passenger going to Newark Airpirt in New jersy
    • The meter rate, plus $17.50 plus all necessary tolls
  • The $0,50 surcharge applies to
    • Trips made from 8pm to 6am
  • If convicted of a crime, a taxicab driver must
    • Inform the TLC within 15days
  • If a passenger requests a charge in destination, the taxicab driver must
    • Change the destination and charge the amount on the meter at the new Destination
  • Which of the following is  not correct
    • You are allowed to pick up in the crosswalk lane if the passenger is standing at the intersection
  • WHich of the following is not moving violagtion
    • Double parking (Excpet if its cited as obstrucitng traffic)
  • If you ae being tailgated, you should 
    • Reduce speed and let the other driver go around you
  • A driver is allowed to discharge a passenger
    • No more thean a foot from the curb, and parallel to the curb
  • If you are approaching an intersection on a two-way street and making left turn, who has the right of way
    • Traffic traveling in the opposite direction and going straight
    • Traffic travelling in the pposite direction and trunging right 
    • both a and b
  • Which of the following reduces the risk of hydroplaning
    • Having good tires (Well-Threaded) and driving slowly
  • When does hydroplaning most often occur
    • When is it raining
  • What is th espeed limit in new york city if no sing is posted
    • 30mph
  • In new york city double soilid line painted on the road means
    • None of the above

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