Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 15

  • WHich of the following is service animal
    • A cat trained to alert a person with a hearing impairment about intruders 
  • If a taxicab driver finds property left by passenger in the cab, he/she must take it without delay
    • To the owner of the property
    • Take it to the nearest designated police precnct where passenger was discharged
    • both a and b
  • A taxicab driver is allowed to carry a weapon in the taxicab
    • With written permission of the chairpeorson
  • If a passenger has difficulties opening the door, a taxicab driver should
    • get out of the taxicab and help the pasenger
  • When is horn honking allowed?
    • In case of danger
  • If you run out of meter receipt paper during your work shift, accroding to ght TLC rules
    • You should follow off-duty procedures and get more jmeter receipts paper
  • If a taxicab driver changes his/her physical appearance, he/she should
    • Submit four new photographs to the tLC
  • If you change your milling address, you should report to the TLC
    • Within 7days, exclusive of weekneds and holidays
  • What do you have to do if your taxicab license becomes unreadable or unrecognizable?
    • Immediately surrender it to the TLC for a placement
  • Within wihch period should a driver report to the TLC if his/her license was lost or stolen
    • 72 hours (exclusive of weekends and holidays)
  • A taxicab driver may occupay the space in front of a fire hydrant as a taxi stand
    • if parking is not prohibited 
  • When a taxicab driver is receiving workmens compensation benefits becuse of a work related injury, he/she must
    • Submit hack license to the tlc and case driving 
  • Who is permitted to operate a taxicab with an Unspecified driver Listed on the rate card?
    • Any driver with a valid hack license who has been authorized by the taxicab owner
  • A medallion taxicab driver must take a defensive driving course
    • Every three years
  • If any driver within the probationary period accumulates 4 points against his/her tlc license his/she probationary license will be 
    • Suspended for six month
    • revoked
    • extended for one more year
    • none of the above
  • The probationary period of a NYC taxicab Driver is
    • One year
    • Twelve month
    • both a and b
  • If public servant aks a taxicab driver for a gift in the return for a favaor, the taxi driver must 
    • report it to the inspector general of the commission IGC or NYC depearment of Investagation DOI
  • A taxi driver must complete a remedial course and iwll get one point on his/her TLC record if convicted of
    • Three violations in fifteen months

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