Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 4

  • Accroding to the TLC rules, a Taxi driver is responsible for:
    • Complete a trip record
  • Accroding the TLC rules, a taxi driver is allowed to refuse a fare when 
    • When the destination is in nassau county and the driver is working for more then eight consecutive hours .
  • A taxi driver cannot refuse a fare when:
    • THe passenger wants to go to brooklyn during rush hours
  • IF a person in a wheelchair hails your taxi and asks to sit in the front and then asks you to put the wheelchair into the trunk, you should
    • Load the wheel chair and let him/her sit in the front
  • If the meter breaks while you have a passenger in the taxi, which of the following is correct according to the TLC:
    • Offer the passenger the option of continuing the trip at mutually agreed fare. 
  • If six young people (Teenagers) want to go from peter copper village to times square you should:
    • Suggest to them that they should take two Taxis instead 
  • If you are driving on a slippery road and the rear of your taxi begin to swerve to the right, you should:
    • Take your foot off the gas pedal and turn the steering wheel to the right.
  • If a passenger gets into you taxi smoking a $6 churchil cigar, which of the following applies:
    • Ask the passenger to extinguish the cigar .
  • For a fare to connecticut, which of the following applies:
    • Flat rate agreed upon in advance
  • Who pays the tools on a fare from fort green in brooklyn to long island city, queens, using the pluski bridge:
    • There is no tols, Non of the above 

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