Friday, December 29, 2017

Taxi Rules Page 3

  • A driver must turn the headlight on when:
    • The windshield wipers are on
  • IF apassenger asks you to take him to ennedy Airport and on the way to the destination he decides to go to brooklyn instead:
    • Change the destination and charge a mutually agreed fare. 
  • Accroding to the taxi & Limousine Commission, a driver is allowed to charge to Nassau County
    • Meter to the city line, and double the meter from the city line to the destination
  • IF you take a passenger to westchester, how much would you charge if the meter reads $7.50 at the city line and 14.25 at the destiation? do not include tolls in you
        • 14.25
        • 14.25
        • --------------
        • 28.50
      •       (-) 7.50
      • ------------------
      •          21.00
    •  $21.00
  • How much would you charge your passenger for a fare to Nassuu county if the meter was $14.75 at the city line and $21.00 at the destination?
    • $27.25
  • IF a passenger was going to Baldwin, in Nassau County, how would you charge without  tolls if the meter reads $12.75 at the city line and $26.60  at the destination:
    • $$40.25
  • Acccording to the TLC rules, which of the folloiwng is correct
    • You may never refuse a passenger unless you have justifiable grounds.
  • If a passenger asks you to stop at the deli on his way to work, which of the following responss would be appropriate?
    • Gladly, Sir, But please pay the amount on the meter
  • How many passengers are allowed to ride in a taxi?
    • Four, plus a child under seven years of age in the rear seat on the lap of an adult 
  • According to the TLC rules which of the following is correct
    • If the meter breaks during the ride, it will be my last until the meter is fixed. 

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