Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 8

  • According to the TLC, which of the following statements is not true
    • A taxi driver must lock the rear doors to the taxi while on duty
  • A taxi driver who is authorized to drive a taxi pursuant to a lease from the taxi owner may sublease the taxi
    • He may not sublease it
  • According to the TLC, when your find yourself unable to give change for a $20 bill, you should
    • With the consent of the passenger to the nearest place where you may reasonably expect to obtain change
  • According to the TLC, a driver is permitted to
    • Both b and c B: Charge a flat rate fare on a trip from manhattan to kennedy airport C: Allow someone to operate the taxi in the event of an ememrgency, 
  • which of the following is not a hazardous violation of the taxi driver rules 
    • Refusing
  • (84) On a trip from brooklyn to yonkers (Westchester county, a destination the meter reads $49.80 and shows $34.90 at the city limits , how much should you charge
    • $64.70
  • When a public servant or a dispatcher asks a taxi driver for a gratuity in return fro a favor, the taxi driver must
    • Report the incident to the NYC department of Investigation
  • Which of the following is considered a hazardous violation of the rules:
    • All of the above
  • After sunset a taxi driver must
    • None of the above
  • If a passenger wants to travel from staten island  to elizabeth new jersy, wjich of the following is true
    • The driver may refuse to take the passenger to new jersy
    • the taxi driver must activate the taximeter within the limits of the city of new york
    • the driver may charge a flat rate
    • All of the above
  • According to the TLC, a taxi driver may refuse passenger if
    • The passenger refused to stop smoking
  • A driver must ask the destination of the passenger
    • When the passenger is seated in the taxi
  • At an intersection who has priority over the other two
    • A police officer
  • If a taxi driver finds property left by a passenger in the taxi he/she must:
    • Without delay take such property to the nearest police precinct

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