Friday, December 29, 2017

NYC Taxi Rules Page 9

  • According to the persistent vioators program, the penalty for a driver who has committed three a more violation in a 15 months period and whos license has never been revoked
    • Mandatory refresher course and the driver will have one point on hi/her taxi license record
  • The $0.50 surcharge shall not be added to a trip when
    • The passenger is going from kennedy airport to manhattan
  • The tlc issues a probationary license for a period of 
    • One year
  • When driver, a blind spot is
    • What you cannot see through your rear view mirror
  • According to the TLC rules, a taxi driver is allowed to n
    • Drive a taxi for 12 consecutive hours.
  • A driver shall not operate a taxi uness
    • The taxi meter is equipped with paper for the printing of receipts.
  • Which of the following statments made by a taxi driver is a violation of the rules 
    • I am not taking the tunnel as you want, there is too much traffic there, i will take the bridge,
  • According to the tlc, at the end of the probationary period the taxi drivers icense will not be renewed if
    • THe driver is convicted three or more moving violations. 
  • If a passenger wants to travel from Newark Airport to Brooklyn, the taxi driver may Not
    • Not pickup the passenger

    • When will you keep the head lights of your taxi on?
      • 30 munites after sunrise and 30 before sunsest
    • Which of the following is not required form a taxi driver?
      • Must have CB radio
    • Which of the following is not required from a taxi driver
      • Mush have change for $50
    • Which of the following destinations can a cab driver refuse?
      • Atlantic City

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